To draw a measured plan of the site and study the surface remains (including the ceramic finds). |
- July 1996
- August 1997 |
Prof.Dr. Steve Sidebotham (University of Delaware) and Saleh Ali (our bedouin guide). | |
Results: | A survey was performed using the Global Positioning System, a theodolite and steel tape measures. Off-site assistance was given by pottery expert Dr. Roberta Tomber (Museum of London). No excavations took place. A full publication of this site is pending. | |
Approximate position and date of the site: | Bukhelug is in the central part of the Egyptian Eastern desert, just south of the Qena-Safaga asphalt road and just east of Bir Sirbakis. Surface pottery dated to the Ptolemaic period (ca. 330 - 30 BC) but the find of a scarab with the name of Psamtek II (ca. 600 BC) may indicate that the settlement was inhabited even before that. | |
Short description of the site: | Bir Sirbakis was a gold mine which was operational in Ptolemaic times. There are many remains of ancient structures built around a large area where a quartz vein was excavated in order to extract gold. | |
Additional remarks: | Apart from the large central mining area, at the north side of the wadi, there are numerous smaller excavations. Not many pounders or grinding stones were seen, but a channel for separating the gold from the quartz (either with water or mercury) was preserved. Our work was sponsored by the University of Delaware and private donors. | |
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