To draw a measured plan of the site and study the surface remains (including the ceramic finds). |
- August 1998
- June 1999 |
Prof.Dr. Steve Sidebotham (University of Delaware). | |
Results: | A survey was performed using the Global Positioning System, a theodolite and steel tape measures. Off-site assistance was given by pottery expert Dr. Roberta Tomber (Museum of London). No excavations took place. Our plans and description were published in: S.E. Sidebotham, H. Barnard and G. Pyke; Five enigmatic late Roman settlements in the Eastern Desert; Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 2002; vol. 88: pp. 187-225. | |
Approximate position and date of the site: | Umm Howeitat Bahri is in the central part of the Egyptian Eastern desert, just south of the Qena-Safaga asphalt road and close to the Red Sea coast. Surface pottery dated to the late Roman period (ca. 300 - 600 AD). | |
Short description of the site: | Umm Howeitat Bahri was a large settlement of simple huts, far from any ancient roads, mines or quarries. Surface finds were limited to potsherds and the function of the settlement remains enigmatic. | |
Additional remarks: | The reason for the existence of Umm Howeitat Bahri might have been the hunting or gathering of yet unknown commodities or the temporary residence for political or religious refugees. Our work was sponsored by the University of Delaware and private donors. | |
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