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Microscopy |
Ethno-archaeology |
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Introduction |
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- F.A. Bedawi, Die Römische Gräberfelder von Sayala-Nubien (Vienna, 1976), 29-31, Abb. 12, Taf. 28/Fig. 2. - W.B. Emery and L.P. Kirwan, The excavations and survey between Wadi es-Sebua and Adindan 1929-31 (Cairo, 1935), 117-122, Figs. 89, 94/1, 99/5, 103/13. - J.W. Hayes, "Summary of pottery and glass finds," in S.E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1994. Preliminary report of the 1994 excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea coast) and the survey of the Eastern Desert (Leiden, 1995), 33-36, Fig. 13. - J.W. Hayes, "The pottery," in S.E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1995. Preliminary report of the 1995 excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea coast) and the survey of the Eastern Desert (Leiden, 1996), 153, Figs. 6-15/1-6, 6-19. - K. Kromer, Römische Weinstuben in Sayala (Unternubien) (Vienna, 1967), 96-99, Abb. 30/4-5, 31, Tafs. 16/Fig. 2, 32, 34/3, 37-5. - U. Luft, A. Almásy, M.A. Farkas, I. Furka, Z. Horváth and G. Lassányi, "Preliminary report on the fieldwork at Bir Minih, Arabian Desert," Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo 58 (2002), 384, Figs. 7/10-13. - A.A. Magid, R.H. Pierce and K. Krzywinski, "Test excavation in the southern Red Sea Hills (Sudan): cultural linkages to the north," Archéologie du Nil Moyen 7 (1995), 165-170, Pl. V. - A.A. Magid, "Ancient way stations in the southern Red Sea Hills: a new discovery," Sudan Notes and Records 2 (new series) (1998), 1-12. - A.A. Magid, "The site of Tabot. An old waystation in the southern Red Sea Hills, Sudan," in S. Wenig, Neueste Feldforschungen im Sudan und in Eritrea. Akten des Symposiums, Berlin, 13-14 Oktober 1999 (Wiesbaden, 2004), 155-172, Fig. 6. - C. Meyer, "Gold, granite and water. The Bir Umm Fawakhir Survey Project 1992," in W.G. Dever (ed.), Preliminary excavation reports Sardis, Bir Umm Fawakhir, Tell el-'Umeiri, the combined Caesarea expeditions and Tell Dothan (American Schools of Oriental Research, volume 52, 1995), 83-86, Figs. 29j, 30f. - H.-Å. Nordström, "Pottery Production," in D.A. Welsby and J.R. Anderson (eds.), Sudan, ancient treasures. An exhibition of recent discoveries from the Sudan National Museum (London, 2004), 269, cat. no. 255. - H. Ricke, Ausgrabungen van Khor-Dehmit bis Bet el-Wali (Chicago, 1967), 46-70, Tafs. 23-28. - P.J. Rose, The aftermath of the Roman frontier in Lower Nubia (Unpublished PhD-thesis, Darwin College, University of Cambridge, 1992), 161-162, Figs. 7/75-78. - P.J. Rose, "Report on the handmade sherds," in S.E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1994. Preliminary report of the 1994 excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea coast) and the survey of the Eastern Desert (Leiden, 1995), 41-43. - K. Sadr, "Preliminary report on an archaeological reconnaissance in the Eastern Desert, southeast Egypt," in C. Bonnet (ed.), Étude Nubiennes. Actes du VIIe congrès international d'études nubiennes, 3-8 septembre 1990. Volume II (Neuchatel, 1994), 9. - K. Sadr, A. Castiglioni, A. Castiglioni and G. Negro, "Archaeology in the Nubian Desert," Sahara 6 (1994), 69-75. - K. Sadr, A. Castaglioni and A. Castaglioni, "Nubian Desert archaeology: a preliminary view," Archéologie du Nil Moyen 7 (1995), 210-221, Figs. 10, 11, 25. - S.E. Sidebotham, H. Barnard, L.A. Pintozzi and R.S. Tomber, "The enigma of Kab Marfu'a: precious gems in Egypt's Eastern Desert," Minerva 16,1 (January/February 2005), 24-26. - S.E. Sidebotham, H. Barnard and G. Pyke, "Five enigmatic late Roman settlements in the Eastern Desert," Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 88 (2002), 210-221, Figs. 20, 23. - S.E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich, "Berenike: Roman Egypt's maritime gateway to Arabia and India," Egyptian Archaeology 8 (1996), 16-17. - S.E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich, "Berenike, Roms Tor am Roten Meer nach Arabien und Indien," Antike Welt 32,3 (2001), 256-257, Abb. 14. - L. Smith, "Gabati grave goods from test excavation and considertation of funerary practises" in M. Mallinson et al., Road archaeology in the Middle Nile. Volume 2. Excavations from Meroe to Atbara, 1994 (Unpublished report), 181-191, Fig. 8.1, Pls. 53-54. - L. Smith, "The post-Meroitic and medieval pottery," in D.N. Edwards, Gabati. A Meroitic, post-Meroitic and medieval cemetery in central Sudan. Volume 1 (London, 1998), 178-183, Figs. 6.27-6.30. - E. Strouhal, Wadi Qitna and Kalabsha-South. Volume I (Prague, 1984), 157-177, 195-200, Tabs. 31-34, Pls. 66-70. - E. Strouhal, "Further analysis of the fine handmade pottery of Egyptan Nubia in 3rd-5th cent. AD" in W. Godlewski (ed.), Coptic and Nubian pottery.Part II. International workshop, Nieborów, 29-31 August 1988 (National Museum in Warsaw Occasional Paper, 1991), 3-9. - R.S. Tomber, "The pottery," F.G. Aldsworth and H. Barnard, "Survey of Shenshef", both in S.E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1996. Report of the 1996 excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea coast) and the survey of the Eastern Desert (Leiden, 1998), 170, 427-443. - R.S. Tomber, "The pottery," in S.E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1997. Report of the 1997 excavations at Berenike survey of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, including excavations at Shenshef (Leiden, 1999), 146-149, 152, Fig. 5-15/75. Publications of the Eastern Desert Ware Research Group (since January 2002): In print:
- H. Barnard, "Eastern Desert Ware: A first introduction," Sudan &
Nubia 6 (2002), 53-57, Pls. XXX-XXXI.- H. Barnard and E. Strouhal, "Wadi Qitna revisited," Annals of the Náprstek Museum Prague 25 (2004), 29-55. - H. Barnard, "Sire, il n'y a pas de Blemmyes. A re-evalualation of historical and archaeological data," in J.C.M. Starkey (ed.), People of the Red Sea. Proceedings of the Red Sea Project II, held in the British Museum, October 2004. Society for Arabian Studies Monographs number 3. BAR International Series 1395. Oxford 2005 (Archaeopress), 23-40. - H. Barnard, "Eastern Desert Ware from Marsa Nakari and Sikait," Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 42 (2005-2006), 131-146. - H. Barnard, "Eastern Desert Ware: fine pottery from an arid wasteland," Egyptian Archaeology 28 (Spring 2006), 29-30. - H. Barnard, "The macroscopic description of Eastern Desert Ware (1935-2002)," in I. Caneva and A. Roccati A. (eds.), Acta Nubica: Proceedings of the X International Conference of Nubian Studies: Rome, 9-14 September 2002. Rome 2006 (Libreria dello Stato), 51-62. - H. Barnard, A.N. Dooley and K.F. Faull, "New data on the Eastern Desert Ware from Sayala (Lower Nubia) in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna," Ägypten und Levante 15 (2006), 49-64. - H. Barnard and A.A. Magid, "Eastern Desert Ware from Tabot (Sudan), more links to the north", Archéologie du Nil Moyen 10 (2006), 15-34. - H. Barnard, "The ancient Eastern Desert Dwellers: A sixth-century tribe and its pottery," in P.G. Hopkins (ed.), The Kenana Handbook of Sudan. London 2007 (Kegan Paul), 89-95. - H. Barnard, "Additional remarks on Blemmyes, Beja and Eastern Desert Ware," Ägypten und Levante 17 (2007), 23-32. - H. Barnard and P.J. Rose, "Eastern Desert Ware from Berenike and Kab Marfu'a," in S.E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich (eds.), Berenike 1999/2000: Report on the Excavations at Berenike, Including Excavations in Wadi Kalalat and Siket, and the Survey of the Mons Smaragdus Region. Los Angeles 2007 (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology), 183-199. - H. Barnard, Eastern Desert Ware: Traces of the Inhabitants of the Eastern Deserts in Egypt and Sudan Between the 4th-th Centuries CE, British Archaeological Reports 1824. Oxford 2008 (Archaeopress). - H. Barnard, "Suggestions for a chaîne opératoire of nomadic pottery sherds," in H. Barnard and W.Z. Wendrich (eds.), The Archaeology of Mobility: Old World and New World Nomadism. Los Angeles 2008 (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology), 413-439. - H. Barnard, "The archaeology of the pastoral nomads between the Nile and the Red Sea," in J.J. Szuchman (ed.), Nomads, Tribes, and the State in the ancient Near East: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Chicago 2009 (Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago), 15-41. Lectures:
- Rome, 10 September 2002, for the Tenth International Conference of
Nubian Studies.- Los Angeles, 12 February 2003, for the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA. - Santa Barbara, 22 March 2003, for the Fifth Annual Middle East Studies Regional Conference, at UCSB. - Los Angeles, 10 May 2003, for the Friends of Archaeology, in the Lenart Auditorium at UCLA. - Los Angeles, 23 May 2003, for the Pasarow Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at UCLA. - Los Angeles, 16 June 2003, for the Pacific Pallisade chapter of the Optimist Club. - Cairo, 8 December 2003, for the Egypt Exploration Society, in the British Council. - Montreal, 2 April 2004, within panel 82, 'Nomads in Archaeology', during the 69th Annual Meeting of the SAA. - Los Angeles, 14 April 2004, for the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA. - Tucson, 17 April 2004, within session 15, 'Desert Areas', during the 55th Annual Meeting of the ARCE. - Los Angeles, 22 June 2004, during the workshop 'The Archaeology of Mobility' (Fourth Cotsen Advanced Seminar). - London, 29 October 2004, at the 'People of the Red Sea' conference in the British Museum. - Leiden, 31 October 2006, a 'Mare Nostrum' symposium for students and faculty of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology. - Toledo, 21 April 2007, within session 21, 'Objects and Iconography', during the 58th Annual Meeting of ARCE. - Chicago, 7 March 2008, during the seminar 'Nomads, Tribes, and the State in the Ancient Near East', at the Oriental Institute. - Rhodes, 28 May 2008, during the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists. - Leiden, 6 June 2008, during a seminar on nomads in archaeology at Leiden University. - Southampton, 25 September 2008, at the Red Sea IV conference at the University of Southampton. |
Introduction |
Ethno-archaeology | Pottery production |
Food preparation |